Brain Tissue

Just a Bit of Fluff

Nobody Appreciates Me...

August 26 2007, 7:07 PM

I was productive today.

I ate a huge Arby's sandwich.

Then watched two movies. (Casablanca, What's Up, Doc?)


Posted in Stuff I've Done (And Sometimes Wish I Hadn't)


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These Moments When I Realize My Stupidity

August 25 2007, 7:22 PM

"I'll wash my plate after I get my iPod," I tell my sister.

I go upstairs.

I come downstairs a few minutes later with my cowboy hat on but sans iPod.

I find it on the counter next to the sink.

*Sigh* I would be scary if I actually had a memory... 

Posted in Stuff I've Done (And Sometimes Wish I Hadn't)


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Here Comes the Rain, Again

August 6 2007, 2:03 PM


My dog may be cute, but he's decided he's going to be a spy dog (inside joke there, sorry) and kill the thunder...

*Sigh* It's kinda funny to watch him limp around and yap yap yap for the first five minutes...and then it gets annoying....


Posted in Woody


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I'm Back! (You Missed Me, Didn't you?)

July 31 2007, 1:23 PM

Let's see....It's been about twelve hours since I posted last. What's changed?

-I saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The book is so much better.

-I finished reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. (It took me longer than I thought. Almost two days.)

-I listened to Jesus Chist Superstar for the about 500th time.

Yep, the story of me life.

And the world I live in is a much nicer place. But as my friend Hannah (one of the many) said:

"Oh, and my mind really is a nice place. would you like to visit? But if you do, don't pet the goats.
Or the dogs.
Or the cats.
And don't go near anything, you could get eaten or turned into a hedgehog. Not kidding."


Posted in Me, Being Random


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Wow, There's a Blog Thing Here

July 30 2007, 3:31 PM

And I didn't even notice. It says I can post every fifteen seconds...hmmm....

Posted in Me, Being Random


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Last update Aug 26, 2007